PROSE guidelines:
We are not accepting fiction at this time. Essays and interviews can be of any length, on any subject, in any format. We encourage experimental, interdisciplinary work.
POETRY guidelines:
Wilderness rules; knock yourselves out.
COMICS/ART guidelines:
All image-based submissions must be emailed to us as 300 to 1200 dbi bitmap .tif or .jpg files. To convert greyscale to bitmap, use 155 dpi halftone dot. This makes it much easier and faster for us to resize and print files as needed.
Please keep in mind when creating image-based submissions for us that there are certain limitations to printing on newspaper. Grey scale tends not to reproduce very well. The same goes for tiny text or super thin line work.
Because page space is limited and we want to include as much material by as many different people as possible, we may ask that your work be of a certain size (full page, half page, quarter page, etc.; each page has a printed area of 10.25 by 13.5). During layout we may also have to resize your work so that we can make it fit on the page with other material. We understand and appreciate the time and dedication that goes into each submission, and we’ll do our best to present all material with the respect that it deserves.
Submission does not guarantee acceptance. Accepted work is subject to editing, resizing, etc. Send your best to